Friday, 18 January 2008

My first blog...

Me, in bed with myself.

Well, I've been meaning to do it from some years now, and here it is.
The first entry in my blog.

I'll try and say something humorous each week, but I can't promise... for those of you who have found this blog randomly, thanks for popping along, and it's good that someone is reading this.

My funny 'thing' of the day? The 'scammer' I've been winding up has just threatened to kill me. See for a bit more info on reverse scamming.

That's it then. My first ever blog entry.
How amazing.



Anonymous said...

Dear red headed poof. I think I love you

Matt said...

Dear Olivia.
Thank you for your kind message. I never knew you had such strong feelings about me.
Matty x

Anonymous said...

It could be worse you could have been black aswell...

Unknown said...

Love the photo of you with the Ducklings ! is it a self portrait? i assume so as it is so good and you being a photographer and all :)