Sunday, 20 January 2008

SSB AFS and a nice little video...

Well, here we are again.
I scored a reasonable 221 (223 not including the two duplicates) in the contest. Simon G7SOZ with his '400 watts' managed just over 270 from another friend's shack.
All in all, I'm happy enough with how I got on. If I'd tried it from my own QTH I'd have been lucky to even hear the other stations.

If you haven't tried it already - have a look at It's a nice way to find sites you otherwise might not see. You choose the subjects that interest you. I found the following video on it
Have a look and see what you think...

Before you get concerned, this blog isn't going to turn into some gay-agenda, homo-rights moan-a-minute rant.



Anonymous said...

Sad fact that many people cannot deal with things like mixed or Gay marriages.

I photographed a gay wedding/Civil ceremony a couple of years ago, the event was very nice and all the people who attended were lovely.

Anonymous said...

What's this about '400watts'!!!